Items - Basic Items
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Seals & Operations(Note - Seals & Operations are PERMANENT)
phoenixseal armorseal shadowseal
Seal of the Phoenix
+750 Health
Seal of Divinity
+18 Armor
Seal of the Shadow
+40 Intelligence
1650 GOLD

1800 GOLD

2900 GOLD

seiryuseal sunseal strenghtseal
Seiryu Seal
+15 to all attributes
Seal of the Sun
+40 Agility
Seal of the Hidden Fist
+40 Strength
3000 GOLD

3100 GOLD

2900 GOLD

leafseal sealofthunder hawkseal
Leaf Seal
Reduces jutsu skill damage to oneself by 30%
Seal of the Thunder
Evade 15% normal attacks
Seal of the Golden Hawk
Moves 20% faster and attack 10% faster (AURA)
2500 GOLD

1500 GOLD

1500 GOLD

blackflameseal byakuugan sharingan
Seal of the Black-Flame
Grants Immolation (40 HP/sec)
Byakuugan Eye
Exposes all hidden enemies and traps. +5 to all attributes
Sharingan Eye
+10 to defense +5 to all attributes +15 to damage
2500 GOLD

2250 GOLD

2000 GOLD

Bijyuu Within
+1000 Chakra +25% chakra regeneration
2750 GOLD
anbumask hiddensnowrelic cloakofshadows
25% faster chakra regeneration
Hidden Snow Relic
+5 frost damage and slows
enemies down
Cloak of Shadows
Grants stealth for 20 seconds and 10% speed increase. Requires 60 chakra.
555 GOLD

2000 GOLD

1000 GOLD

fuumashuriken foreheadprotector kageslesserrelic
Fuuma Windmill Shuriken
+10 damage and 15 chakra feedback
Forehead Protector
+2 Armour
Kage's Lesser Relic
+5 to all attributes
900 GOLD

175 GOLD

925 GOLD

hpstone lessertoxicskull goldring
Health Stone
+175 Health
Lesser Toxic Skull
Slows victim down by 25% and attack rate by 25%. Deals 5 poison per second
Gold Ring
Regenerates 3 life per second
425 GOLD

2000 GOLD

700 GOLD

chakraskull darkhammer heartoforochimaru
Chakra Skull
+500 Chakra
Dark Hammer
10% Bash for 2 seconds, dealing an extra damage of 25
Heart of Orochimaru
10% Life Leech from attacks
800 GOLD

1200 GOLD

750 GOLD

chaosstaff speedglyph helmofbattlethirst
Chaos Staff
+50 damage
Speed Glyph
+50% attack speed
Helm of Battlethirst
45 seconds cooldown Frenzy ability
2250 GOLD

2000 GOLD

750 GOLD

gemofconcentration redshinobimask.jpg raijin
Gem of Concentration
All ranged damage near oneself +15%
Red Shinobi Mask
+15% attack speed
+12 damage and Purge ability 75 chakra with 60 seconds cooldown.
575 GOLD

600 GOLD

1100 GOLD

helmofthedevil shinobiclaws konohafireessence
Helm of the Devil
+10 damage and reduce enemy armour by 3
Shinobi Claws
+12 damage
Konoha Fire Essence
+30 bonus fire damage and area splash
1400 GOLD

600 GOLD

1000 GOLD

snowcloak shield idatesandals
Snow Cloak
+3 Armour
+5 Armour
Idate's Sandals
+60 Movement
400 GOLD

450 GOLD

555 GOLD

nightscope kaguyawarbanner akatsukicloak
Night Scope
Allows the shinobi to see better at night
Kaguya War Banner
Increases damage of all
nearby units by 10%.
Akatsuki Cloak
Make the target immune to almost all jutsu for 20 sec, cooldown of 60sec. Requires 150 Chakra. CANNOT BE DROPED
100 GOLD

600 GOLD

3000 GOLD

200 Health creature with 6 slot inventory at speed 500
500 GOLD
Gatou's Items
  • type -secret service to call upon the Black Market Dealer Gatou.
mengyi shuriken.gif woddenboxscroll
Sword of Meng Yi
Reduces enemy armor by 6, +35 damage
Giant Shuriken
+35 damage
Scroll of Wooden Box
Makes a Wooden Box
3250 GOLD

1350 GOLD

1500 GOLD

gangster hooligan rouge
Hire Gangster
A Gangster with an axe
Hire Hooligan
A Hooligan with a crossbow
Hire Rouge
A powerfull Rouge with a mace
150 GOLD 200 GOLD 350 GOLD

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