Items - Advanced Items
Direct Mix Items
Demon Head
Increases attack speed by 20%
and movement speed by 75
Scroll of War Axe War Axe
25% faster attack speed, movement speed +50% and Frenzy ability at 50 chakra for 10 sec
with 45 sec cooldown
1755 GOLD

600 GOLD


Bijyuu Sword
+50 damage with 10% chance of dealing 1.75 times the normal damage. Increases damage of all nearby units by 10%
Scroll of Sword Sentient Sword Sentient
+50 damage with 12% chance of dealing 2.5 times the normal damage.Ability to awaken one's sword to slaughter enemies
for 20 sec
3300 GOLD

750 GOLD


Double Mix Items
Obsidian Platemail
+7 Armour
Chakra Skull
+500 Chakra
Scroll of
Chakra Armor
Chakra Armor
+500 Chakra, +7 Armor, gives full protection from any jutsu every 30 sec.
900 GOLD

800 GOLD

2000 GOLD


Obsidian Platemail
+7 Armour
Konoha Fire Essence
+30 bonus fire damage
and area splash
Scroll of Fire Shard Fire Shard
Adds 7 to armor. +30 bonus fire damage and area splash
900 GOLD

1000 GOLD

750 GOLD


Obsidian Platemail
+7 Armour
Hidden Snow Relic
+5 frost damage and slow enemies down
Scroll of Ice Shard Ice Shard
Adds 7 to armor. Deals frost attacks and +5 damage
900 GOLD

2000 GOLD

750 GOLD

Total: 3650 GOLD

Life Stone
+500 Health
Health Stone
+175 Health
Scroll of Soul Stone Soul Stone
+700 Health and 5 life per second regen.
1375 GOLD

425 GOLD

1100 GOLD

Total: 2900 GOLD

Windmill Gauntlets
Every hit reduces chakra out from its target +10 Strength +10 damage
Dark Hammer
10% Bash for 2 seconds, dealing an extra damage of 25
Scroll of
Chakra Smasher
Chakra Smasher
Every hit reduces chakra out from its target +10 Strength +15 damage. 12% bash for 2 sec.
2200 GOLD

1200 GOLD

800 GOLD

Total: 4200 GOLD

Kage's Greater Relic
+10 to all attributes with faster chakra regeneration
Gold Ring
Regenerates 3 life per second
Scroll of
Black Jewel
Black Jewel
50% faster Chakra regen and +10 to all attributes and life regen of 4 per second
2230 GOLD

700 GOLD

750 GOLD

Total: 3680 GOLD

Black Talon
+15 damage with 12% chance of dealing 2 times the normal damage Steals 10% life from attacks.
Helm of the Devil
+10 damage and reduce enemy armour by 3
Dragonlance Secret Dragonlance
+50 damage with 15% chance of dealing 2.25 times normal damage and 5% chance of 5 times more damage than normal.
2550 GOLD

1400 GOLD

1750 GOLD

Total: 5700 GOLD

Old Helm
A plain old useless helm
Kage's Lesser Relic
+5 to all attributes
Scroll of Bijyuu Helm Bijyuu Helm
Adds 5 armor to nearby allies, +5 to all stats. Can bring its owner back to life 3 times
1700 GOLD

925 GOLD

2500 GOLD

Total: 5125 GOLD

Bijyuu Stone
This stone can be further combined to forge better items, but is useless on its own.
Gem of Concentration
All ranged damage near oneself +15%
Scroll of Bijyuu Bow Bijyuu Bow
Increases all ranged damage near oneself by 30%. Can fire a 600 damage arrow at an enemy for 300 Chakra.
100 sec cooldown.
1675 GOLD

575 GOLD

1000 GOLD

Total: 3250 GOLD

Bijyuu Stone
This stone can be further combined to forge better items, but is useless on its own.
Kaguya War Banner
Increases damage of all
nearby units by 10%.
Scroll of
Bijyuu War Drum
Bijyuu War Drum
Damage boost of 20% to nearby allies. Can stun surrounding enemies for 150 Chakra.
Cooldown 40 sec.
1675 GOLD

600 GOLD

900 GOLD

Total: 3175 GOLD

Bijyuu Stone
This stone can be further combined to forge better items, but is useless on its own.
Fire Shard
Adds 10 to armor. +25 bonus fire damage and area splash
Scroll of
Bijyuu Fire Gauntlets
Bijyuu Fire Gauntlets
+15 armor, +75 fire damage with 400 AoE splash.
1675 GOLD

2650 GOLD

2750 GOLD

Total: 7075 GOLD

Wooden Box
A plain old wooden box. Drops upon Death.
Giant Shuriken
+35 damage
How to break a box Vol.1
This book contains the directions to open the Wooden Box
Wanderer's Candle
Reveals all hidden danger, +25 to all stats, +10 armor. Can perform lighning jutsu for 100 chakra every 5 sec. Deals 300 damage. Cannot be dropped but will be dropped when user is killed
4700 GOLD
1350 GOLD
1950 GOLD
Total: 8000 GOLD
Belt of Choji
+15 Strength
Magic Wand
+15 Intelligence
Good Guy Suit
+15 Agility
Scroll of Hexagonal Crystal Hexagonal Crystal
+15 to all attributes, with the ability to reset all other skills cooldowns. Requires 650 Chakra.
Cannot be droped
1000 GOLD

1000 GOLD

1000 GOLD

2000 GOLD