Cloak of Shadows Grants stealth for 20 seconds and 10% speed increase. Requires 100 chakra. |
Shinobi Claws +12 damage |
Scroll of Assassin's Cloak |
Cloak of Assassin Stealth Ability with 200 bonus damage on stealth attack(requires 75 chakra). +10 damage |
1000 GOLD
600 GOLD
555 GOLD
Dark Hammer 10% Bash for 2 seconds, dealing an extra damage of 25 |
Helm of Battlethirst 45 seconds cooldown Frenzy ability |
Scroll of Akatsuki Hammer |
Akatsuki Hammer 10% Bash 2 sec, dealing an extra damage of 25 and Frenzy ability cooldown of 45 sec |
1200 GOLD
750 GOLD
1000 GOLD
Dark Hammer 10% Bash for 2 seconds, dealing an extra damage of 25 |
Raijin +12 damage and Purge ability 75 chakra with 60 seconds cooldown. |
Scroll of Storm Hammer |
Storm Hammer 10% Bash 2 sec, +25 damage. Can cast Purge ability cooldown 60 sec |
1200 GOLD
1100 GOLD
900 GOLD
Total: 3200 GOLD
Red Shinobi Mask +15% attack speed |
Hidden Snow Relic +5 frost damage and slow enemies down |
Scroll of Blue Shinobi Mask |
Blue Shinobi Mask +20% attack speed and gives frost attacks with 5 damage bonus |
600 GOLD
2000 GOLD
555 GOLD
Total: 3155 GOLD
Red Shinobi Mask +15% attack speed |
Idate's Sandals +60 Movement |
Scroll Demon Head |
Demon Head Increases attack speed by 20% and movement speed by 75 |
600 GOLD
555 GOLD
600 GOLD
Total: 1755 GOLD
Idate's Boots +10 Agility |
Idate's Sandals +60 Movement |
Scroll of Thunder Boots |
Thunder Boots Movement +75, +10 Agility and can the ability to perform Purge every 60 sec |
675 GOLD
555 GOLD
1100 GOLD
Total: 2330 GOLD
Fuuma Windmill Shuriken +10 damage and 15 chakra feedback |
Tree Bashing Gauntlets +9 Strength |
Enchanted Stick +9 Intelligence |
Windmill Gauntlets Every hit reduces chakra out from its target +10 Strength + 10 damage |
900 GOLD
650 GOLD
650 GOLD
Total: 2200 GOLD
Forehead Protector +2 Armour |
Snow Cloak +3 Armour |
Scroll of Obsidian Platemail |
Obsidian Platemail +7 Armour |
175 GOLD
400 GOLD
325 GOLD
Total: 900 GOLD
Kage's Lesser Relic +5 to all attributes |
ANBU Mask 25% faster chakra regeneration |
Scroll of Kage's Greater Relic |
Kage's Greater Relic +10 to all attributes with faster chakra regeneration |
925 GOLD
555 GOLD
750 GOLD
Total: 2230 GOLD
Speed Glyph +50% attack speed |
Chaos Staff +50 damage |
Scroll of Chaos Glyph |
Chaos Glyph +50% attack rate and +75 damage |
2000 GOLD
2250 GOLD
1250 GOLD
Total: 5500 GOLD
Raijin +12 damage and Purge ability 75 chakra with 60 seconds cooldown. |
Kaguya War Banner Increases damage of all nearby units by 10%. |
Scroll of Bijyuu Sword |
Bijyuu Sword +50 damage with 10% chance of dealing 1.75 times the normal damage. Increases damage of all nearby units by 10% |
1100 GOLD
600 GOLD
1600 GOLD
Total: 3300 GOLD
Shinobi Claws +12 damage |
Heart of Orochimaru 10% Life Leech from attacks |
Scroll of Black Talon |
Black Talon +15 damage with 12% chance of dealing 2 times the normal damage Steals 10% life from attacks. |
600 GOLD |
750 GOLD |
1200 GOLD |
Total: 2550 GOLD |