Mission Chart
Konoha Quests
  Number:Rank:Mission:Quest Item:
  1CGet ANBU Mask (Near Konoha Village)ANBU Mask
  2CKill Suspicious Guy (Near Konoha Village)Bloody Head
  3CEscort wife back (Near Konoha Village) N/A
  4CProtect Caravan to Hut of SealsN/A
  5BGet ANBU Mask (Middle of Land)ANBU Mask
  6BKill Caravan Thief (Middle of Land)Naked Doll
  7BReturn with Ash Urn (Near Sound Village)Ashes of A Councillor
  8AKill Bandit Leader (Hut of Seals)Severed Head
  9ACollect Young Man's Skull (Water Passage)Young Man's Skull
  10AFind a feudal lord's badge (Middle of Land)Badge of Authority
  11SSnatch back heart of the Ocean (Hideout)Heart of the Ocean
  12SEscort a small kid back (Near Sound Village)N/A
  13SKill a Dark Shinobi (Hidden Falls Village)A Head
Sound Quests
  Number:Rank:Mission:Quest Item:
  1C Get Lost ANBU Mask (Near Sound Village)Lost ANBU Mask
  2CLure Little Kid Back (Near Sound Village)N/A
  3CKill a Konoha Spy (Near Sound Village)Konoha Spy Badge
  4C Protect Illegal Crate to Black MarketN/A
  5BReclaim Lost Documents (Water Passage)Lost Documents
  6BLure Woman (Near Sound Village)N/A
  7BKill ANBU Councillor (Near Sound Village)Bearded Head
  8ASteal Missing Flute (Middle of Land)Missing Flute
  9AKill ANBU Elite (Near Sound Village)Head of ANBU Elite
  10ASteal Treasure Chest (Hideout)Treasure Chest
  11SImportant Notes (Near Konoha Village)Important Notes
  12SKill Akatsuki Spy (Near Konoha Village)Akatsuki Head
  13SLure Woman (Near Konoha Village)N/A
Mission Locations
  • Red Areas-Near Konoha Locations

  • Green Areas-Around Middle of Land

  • Blue Areas-Near Sound Village

The 3 Different Mission Types:

Item Recovery:

The easiest type of mission, these are simply pick-and-return styles. Once the item is found, the only thing left to do is return it back to the Quest Master.

How To Thwart: Simply sell the item.


The standard form of missions, these are the old-school style that all shinobi are comfortable with, simply killing the enemy and taking their head or an important item from them back to the Quest Master.

How To Thwart: Killing the target, and selling the item that the target left behind after its death.

Guardian Escort:

These are the most difficult forms of missions, and only the most skilled can complete them. They require alot of patience, guiding the target slowly from the original spawn point back to the Quest Master.

How To Thwart: Kill the target being escorted.


These missions are highly dangerous to the ENTIRE team since both villages will be alerted when such a mission is undertaken, and both sides will send their best to the scene where a big clash is inevitable. Note that the protected unit will move of its own accord and does not require guidance of any sort.

How To Thwart: Kill the unit being protected.


The System:
  • A Mission is started by walking up to the Quest Master in the base. Enter the circle and
    he will automatically give you a mission, its difficulty level according to your character's level.

  • You need to be above level 10 in order to take a mission.

  • Only one mission can be attempted at any one time by the entire village, be it Konoha or Sound.

  • After ten minutes, the village with more fame will earn a bonus of 500 gold.

  • Fame is gained by 1 point for every successful mission. A bonus of 150 gold is also given to the entire team while the one who completed the quest gets 250 gold.

  • For every quest thwarted by the enemy, the entire village will lose 400 gold and their fame will drop by a heavy 4 points!!!

  • If the quest was not thwarted, but was given up, the penalty is slightly lower. The entire village will pay a penalty of 350 gold and lose 3 fame points.

  • 2 Fame points will be given to the slayer of any Bijyuu.
Mission Commands:
  • Type -fame to see the total current fame of your village.
      Note that the following three commands are only for the questing character:
  • Command to finish a mission after finding the quest item and standing inside the circle before the Quest Master: -report

  • Command to give up a mission: -give up

  • Command to see the details of your mission: -check
  • You can hire spies from the Quest Master at 75 gold to find out the enemy village's
    total fame at the point in time. The spy will also report if the enemy is taking any missions and what rank the mission is.