Items - Basic Items
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Attribute Boosting Items
ShieldOfStrength NecklaceoftheMountains TreeBashingGauntlets
Shield of Strength
+2 Strength
Necklace of the Mountains
+5 Strength
Tree Bashing Gauntlets
+9 Strength
150 GOLD

350 GOLD

650 GOLD

choujisbelt hornofthemind enchantedstick
Belt of Choji
+15 Strength
Horn of the Mind
+5 Intelligence
Enchanted Stick
+9 Intelligence
1000 GOLD

350 GOLD

650 GOLD

magicwand orochimarusring kimimaropunkcap
Magic Wand
+15 Intelligence
Orochimaru's Ring
+2 Agility
Kimimaro's Punk Cap
+5 Agility
1000 GOLD

150 GOLD

350 GOLD

idatesboots goodguysuit weights
Idate's Boots
+10 Agility
Good Guy Suit
+15 Agility

675 GOLD 1000 GOLD 1000 GOLD
Disposable Items ◊= stackable
bagofkunai net sentrywards
Bag of Kunai ◊
Hits an area for 100 damage (5 Charges)
Makibishi Ami ◊
Traps an enemy in place for 5 seconds (3 Charges)
Sentry Wards
Reveals area for 300 seconds (3 Charges)
175 GOLD

300 GOLD

300 GOLD

crystalball healingsalve curryoflife
Crystal Ball
Reveals an area for 60 seconds (5 Charges)
Healing Salve ◊
Regains 500 Health and 250 chakra over time (ONCE)
Curry of Life
Returns with 500 Health when killed (Once)
200 GOLD

175 GOLD

400 GOLD

healingwards bikouchuu village relic
Healing Wards ◊
Heals an area by 2 life per second for 30 seconds (2 Charges)
Reveals the entire map for 120 sec
Village Relic
This item transports u and all nearby allies back to the home base
320 GOLD 500 GOLD 600 GOLD
Scrolls ◊= stackable
bakuretsufuu summonscroll forbiddenscroll
Bakuretsufuu ◊
Plants an explosive that will
deal 250 damage (3 Charges)
Scroll of Summoning ◊
Summons an enemy to one's location. May also summon an ally out of danger(3 Charges)
Forbidden Scroll: Kage Bunshin
Creates a clone that deals 50% and takes 1000% damage (3 Charges)
120 GOLD

285 GOLD

750 GOLD

escapescroll dispellscroll
Scroll of Escape ◊
Short distance teleporting (3 Charges)
Scroll of Genjutsu Dispelling
Dispels jutsu in an area and damages summoned units (5 Charges)
200 GOLD 200 GOLD
Ramen ◊= stackable
orientalramen hotramensmall spicyramen
Oriental Ramen - Small Bowl
Regains 150 chakra (ONCE)
Hot Ramen - Small Bowl
Heals 250 Health (ONCE)
Spicy Ramen - Big Bowl ◊
Heals 500 health (ONCE)
175 GOLD

120 GOLD

250 GOLD

Frosty Ramen - Big Bowl ◊
Regains 300 chakra (ONCE)
300 GOLD
comecomeforever comecomelasting forbiddenmanual
Come Come Forever
Permanently +50 Health
Come Come Lasting
Permanently +20 Health
Forbidden Manual
+1 Level
350 GOLD

175 GOLD

2000 GOLD

comecomeparadise2 commoncomecome comecomeparadise
Come Come Paradise Vol.2
+500 Experience
Come Come Come~
+1 Agility
Come Come Paradise
+1 Intelligence
300 GOLD

225 GOLD

200 GOLD

comecomeviolence comecomeforget legacyofthefirst
Come Come Violence
+1 Strength
Come Come Forget
Unlearns all skills to relearn new ones
Legacy of the First
Can perform plant jutsu
200 GOLD 250 GOLD 1500 GOLD

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